GUS Daily Digest Tue, 11 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 11 Today's Topics: GUS and BioForge GUS Daily Digest V21 #10 GUS Rules ! megaem3.03b + sb 2.0 Subject: What is VFW? and where is... Will Win 95 work with my GUS MAX? Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 10:28:27 BST From: hickinl@VNET.IBM.COM Subject: GUS and BioForge Hello, I have seen a couple of appends recently regarding GUS support in Bioforge. I currently only have the demo (I'm told it wont be release for a couple of months here in the UK ??? anybody know different ??). Anyway to answer the two appends; >RE: GUS & SB16 running Bioforge....... I have a GUSMAX and a SBPRO2 in my machine and using the unofficial GUS Midi patch on epas (BIOGUS2.ZIP) I have managed to get GUS music and SBPRO digital effects on Bioforge. I know this means than only those with both soundcards can get all sound and to be honest with you the Digital effects are better than the music.... but thats the way it is. The patch on epas is basically the AILXMI.DLL file used to patch Ultima8. >No Native GUS support in final release..... This kind of attitude just amazes me. Im no expert in the field now but I can see that in is 'VERY' simple for game producers to include native support for the GUS in there products. For christs sake, Bioforge uses a variation of the standard AIL32 drivers which every GUS owner can get from epas etc.. Why the hell they can't use the standard drivers and produce a game which covers all the MAJOR sound standards (of which the GUS is one). I have emailed origin with my opinions but quite franky, If a company of that size cannot see for itself that GUS support should be a standard then they obviously have their heads to far up their backsides to hear us. Sad thing is, It looks to be the best game this year (so far....) Just my 2cents worth.... Lee Hickin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Apr 95 22:25:01 -0400 From: "Barrie Rody" Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #10 On Mon Apr 10 09:37:07 PDT 1995, GUS Server wrote: >Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:40 +0000 (WET) >From: "Fran the Man..." >Subject: Re: Older GUS boards (and misc.)... > > (Neil Danylczuk) wrote: > >>NOTE: I wouldn't say this is a flame, so much as a >> pilot light: > >Disclaimer noted... 8-) > >>I am an owner of one of the older gus boards. > >Mine also. It is a revision 2.4 or thereabouts. > >[... snip...] > >>I run the sucker, and get the message stating: >>"You have a pre version 2.7(?) board. Don't count >>on this working!" > >This really annoyed me too. I was always led to believe that there >was no real difference between the older boards and the 3.7 release >(save for the mixer). There is a huge user base with these older >boards, and they are not more than a little disgruntled. (If anyone >from Gravis is reading this: Any chance of an upgrade to the ACE)? > >>I'm starting to get the feeling my plain GUS is >>pretty much abandoned. Anyone else getting the >>same feeling? I have been patiently waiting >>and promoting GUS for approximately 3 years, >>and this is the result? > >Well dissappointed. I've been raving about this board for years, and >have influenced many people in their decision to buy a soundcard. I >hope that this hardware problem is addressed soon. > >[...snip about loading Windows9x...] >>Gravis should get on the stick and put some decent >>and reliable drivers together for Windows 95. >>And I'd rather not entertain any discussion about >>them waiting for the release product. MS is > >I don't think that you can realistically ignore that argument. This >is a real problem. To be fair for many developers, it is a bit like >chasing smoke to write drivers for a buggy beta product, whose >specifications may still change between now and eventual release. >Microsoft are now putting out their final beta, which, by loose >definition, shouldn't require major code revisions before release. >This would allow developers to write all the drivers they want. Now >it seems that the Windows95 beta is still highly unstable (I won't >start quoting from numerous journals etc...). As Win95 allows drivers >to have direct access to hardware, and load themselves at the most >privilaged level, major changes in the kernel could have marked >effects on the way they work. > >>putting out about a half-million copies of >>the pre-release, but I think they are accepting >>more orders than that. Each pre-release might >>get installed to 1-5 machines, as they are >>licenced to companies, not individuals. That >>means one hell of a lot of Win95 users, starting >>now. Not to start an OS war, but I can see >>Win95 base exceeding Warp base within a few >>months, perhaps weeks. > >Still, at present, Win95 is buggy, a resource hog, and has questionable >multi-tasking abilities. For a personal user, this may not be a big >issue, but for the coorperate users (who are taking these final betas), >this is a serious problem. If the code is being rated on the >performance of this final beta, Win95 will be in for a very rocky >release. Apart from that, many analysts are predicting a release in >1996. I think that the Warp drivers should be finished before this, >considering that Warp is a released product. > >>That's it for now - I'd be happy to hear >>any contrasting/supporting opinions. > >(Sorry about all the os arguments... I no that's not quite what you were >looking for). 8-) > >Fran... > > /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ > \ Francis Crossen, e-mail: / > / Dept. of Civil Engineering, phone: +353-1-706 7367 (w) \ > \ University College, Earlsfort Terrace, 475 0367 (h) / > / Dublin 2, Ireland. Save the Smiley...! 8-) \ > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ > I wouldn,t count on Warp drivers being released anytime soon. Since I was running OS/2 2.1. Prior to buying my Ultrasound in Jan 94, I called Gravis to ask about their OS/2 support. I was advised that OS/2 drivers would be released "first half of 1994" and on the strength of that promise I purchased my ultrasound. I checked again in May 94. This time I was advised that the drivers would be out in mid-summer. When they didn.t appear I registered the Manley drivers. Finally, just in time for xmas, Gravis released their beta drivers which are not fully functional. So after more than a year I am not much further ahead. They may have sold me a sound card but they have missed many sales based on my product reviews of their support. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrie Rody RR 6 Kingston N.S. Voice: (902) 765-8362 B0P 1R0 Chicago only promises what OS/2 DELIVERS! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 11:54:07 MET DST From: Vax Warrior Subject: GUS Rules ! Hi, Just wanted to say that it was nice to read Craigs mail about how much he liked his GUS - and how everyone seems to be making a lot of fuss about nothing. I have to agree with him - I do not regret buying GUS instead of SB 16 (or anything else for that matter) one bit. I have had a few problems with tracking down patches and fixes for games to give them full GUS support but I think it is a small price to pay for higher quality sound. Also I think some of the most breath-taking demo's I have seen (Future Crew etc) all have full GUS support. The other day when I was death-matching with a few friends on Doom 2 I was listening with interest to one guys machine who had a SB16, comparing it to my GUS - I don`t think I need tell you which one came off tops ! :) Also I have never had any problems with GUS sound slowing the game down. Just thought I would add my thoughts ! Nick. p.s. And I have to thank Microprose for the GUS UFO Sound Patch - its good to hear those Sectoids scream ! :) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 10:40:42 +0200 (METDST) From: Danny Greefhorst Subject: megaem3.03b + sb 2.0 When running megaem 3.03b my sb 2.0 doesn't seem to work anymore(it did work with 2.x versions). Is there no way to disable the soundblaster emulation in megaem? my config: ultrasnd=220,7,7,11,7 (gus 3.4 1mb) blaster=a220 i5 d1 t3 (sb 2.0) -- Danny Greefhorst( | Utrecht University CGN A142, tel. 030-539252 | Department of Computer Science working on Ariadne and Elmo | The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 19:03:47 GMT+100 From: "Kotek Jan - IN,,student,UID=17553" Subject: Subject: -- __ You're | )()()|\/|ed |/ | ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 19:42:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Loren Kling (that's me) Subject: What is VFW? and where is... What is VFW1.0? for Windows? Also, how is the new Quicktime 2.0? Has anyone used the MIDI feature? Where can I get it? -- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | Loren Kling | * * | SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY | *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 18:57:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Stanley Kwong Subject: Will Win 95 work with my GUS MAX? I'm about ready to get the final beta and I was wondering if I should even bother. I just got my GUS MAX 7 months ago, so it's still relatively new. I've got a GW2K 4DX2-50V. I bought that about a year and a half ago. Does anyone else have a similar set-up? If so, have they been successful? Thanks, Stan Kwong P.S. For anyone who still doesn't know how to get the Dark Forces and Full Throttle Demo working, use MAXSBOS. It works beautifully. BTW, good news, from what I hear ,Full Throttle will becoming out later this month. Whoo-hoo, I'm gonna buy one right when my store recieves it. It was supposed to come out later so as not to take away market share from Dark Forces but DF kind of fizzled out so it's almost here. ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #11 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).